KSSCR 2024 Annual Meeting
2024 Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Stem Cell Research

Program Session Topics

Updated on : August 5, 2024

Day 1: August 29, 2024 (Thu)

Plenary Lecture I

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 13:50-13:40
Co-Chairs Jae Ho Kim (Pusan National University, KR), Dongho Choi (Hanyang University College of Medicine, KR)
Calvin J. Kuo (Stanford University School of Medicine, USA)
▶ Using organoids to model tissue and tumor microenvironments

Plenary Lecture II

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 13:40-14:20
Co-Chairs Jae Ho Kim (Pusan National University, KR), Dongho Choi (Hanyang University College of Medicine, KR)
Ryuichi Nishinakamura (Kumamoto University, JP)
▶ Building a kidney from stem cells: Present and Future

Young Investigator's Session

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 09:00-10:00
Young Investigator's Session
Chair Jiwon Jang (POSTECH, KR)
Kyeong-Mo Koo (Chung-Ang University, KR)
▶ Cellular metabolism is the origin of the redox signals in living cells
JUMEE KIM (Seoul National University, KR)
▶ Partial in vivo reprogramming enables injury-free intestinal regeneration via autonomous Ptgs1 induction
▶ Extracellular vesicles derived from pan PPAR agonist-stimulated iMSCs alleviate liver fibrosis via downregulation of TGF-β1 signaling pathway
▶ Mechanical Regulation of Lineage Specification
Jaeseo Lee (KRIBB,KR)
▶ A multicellular liver organoid model for investigating hepatitis C virus infection and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression

Special Lecture

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 10:30-11:30
Special Lecture for 2023 Awardees
Chair Sekyu Choi (POSTECH, KR)
Seung-Woo Cho (Yonsei University, KR)
▶ Biomaterials for advanced organoid engineering
Mi-Young Son (KRIBB, KR)
▶ Recent applications of intestinal organoids generated from human pluripotent stem cells
Yoonhee Jin (Yonsei University College of Medicine, KR)
▶ Enhancing the Potential of Reprogrammed Cardiomyocytes for Drug Screening
Seok-Ho Hong (Kangwon National University, KR)
▶ Alveolar organoid as in vitro model for an evaluation of adverse effects of particulate matter on lung health

Session I

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 14:40-16:00
Stem cells and Tissue Regeneration
Co-Chairs Youngtae Jeong (DGIST, KR), Sang-Wook Park (Chonnam National University, KR)
Sang-Hun Lee (Hanyang University, KR)
▶ Inclusion of astrocytes in donor cells mitigates host-to-graft propagation of toxic a-synuclein in cell therapy for Parkinson's disease
Kyung Jin Lee (Organoid Sciences Ltd., KR)
▶ Organoid based regenerative medicine; from bench to clinic
Minseok S Kim (DGIST, KR)
▶ Electroceutical technology for functional regeneration of intractable diseases
Hee-Gyeong Yi (Chonnam National University, KR)
▶ Advanced bioprinting technologies for engineering tissues and its biomedical and cellular agricultural applications

Session II

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 14:40-16:00
Translational stem cell research
Co-Chairs Inbo Han (CHA university, KR), Jae Sang Oh (The Catholic University of Korea, KR)
Jae-Yol Lim (Yonsei University Medical College, KR)
▶ Development of Salivary Gland Stem Cell-based Therapeutics and Translational Disease Modeling
Kee-Pyo Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, KR)
▶ Efficient Generation of Oligodendrocytes from iPSC-derived Neural Precursor Cells
Youngsung Hwang (Soonchunghyang University, KR)
▶ Understanding the cell-matrix interfaces that control cell fate and metabolic disease progression
Shiqing Feng (Second Hospital of Shangdong University, CN)
▶ Research of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells Repair of Spinal Cord Injury

Session III

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 16:10-17:30
Disease modeling and Organoids
Co-Chairs Tae-Su Han (KRIBB, KR), Ki-Jun Yoon (KAIST, KR)
Shimpei Gotoh (Kyoto University, JP)
▶ Lung disease modeling using iPSC-based organoids
Young Don Kwak (Novartis Biomedical Research, USA)
▶ Leveraging single cell (nuclei) RNA-seq technology for drug discovery and disease modeling
Hyun-Soo Cho (KRIBB, KR)
▶ MOA study of microbiome using organoid in colorectal cancer treatment
Jun Won Park (Seoul National University, KR)
▶ Mouse Models for Dynamics of Epithelial Cell Plasticity During Gastric Carcinogenesis and Metastasis

Session IV

Date & Time August 29, 2024 (Thu) 16:10-17:30
Tissue engineering
Co-Chairs Hun-Jun Park (The Catholic University of Korea, KR), Jeong-Kee Yoon (Chung-Ang University, KR)
Suk Ho Bhang (Sungkyunkwan University, KR)
▶ Electret patch for self-generating a continuous, tailored DC electric field to limit fibrotic activity
Dae Hyeok Yang (The Catholic University of Korea, KR)
▶ Visible light-curable methacrylated glycol chitosan hydrogel patches for prenatal closure of fetal myelomeningocele
Hyun‑Ji Park (Ajou University, KR)
▶ Progenitor cell-derived extracellular vesicle engineering for cardiac tissue repair
Jieung Baek (Ewha Womans University, KR)
▶Mechanoregulation of the Cell-Material Interface for Stem Cell Therapy

Day 2: August 30, 2024 (Fri)

Plenary Lecture III

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 10:40-11:20
Co-Chairs Ssang Goo Cho (Konkuk University, KR), Jeong Tae Do (Konkuk University, KR)
Song Li (University of California, USA)
▶ Mechano-reprogramming of cell fate

Plenary Lecture IV

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 11:20-12:00
Co-Chairs Ssang Goo Cho (Konkuk University, KR), Jeong Tae Do (Konkuk University, KR)
Jae Ho Kim (Pusan National University, KR)
▶ Modeling human diseases with patient-derived iPSCs

Special Session I

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 14:30-15:30
Co-Chairs Dongho Choi (Hanyang University College of Medicine, KR), Ji Hyeon Ju (The Catholic University of Korea, KR)
Wooki Kim (Secretariat for Advanced Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Biological Products Review Committee, KR)
▶첨단재생의료 임상연구 심의현황 및 향후계획
Insoo SHIN (National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, KR)
▶ Regulatory Science Updates for Advance Biologicals Products in Korea
Hyukmo Nam (Ministry of Science and ICT, KR)
▶ 첨단바이오 이니셔티브 주요내용 및 과기정통부 바이오R&D 정책 방향

Special Session II

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 14:30-15:30
Co-Chairs Bon-Kyoung Koo (IBS, KR), Jihoon Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, KR)
Xiu-Wu Bian (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN)
▶PHYH in promotes glioma stem cell diapause and radioresistance
Shugo Toyama (Fujita Health University, JP)
▶ Human iPSC-Based Cardiac Regeneration for Severe Heart Failure: From Bench to Bedside.
Jonathan Yuin-Han LOH (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore)
▶ Decoding and Re-engineering of Cell-Fate for Cell Therapy

Session V

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 09:00-10:20
Clinical application of stem cells
Co-Chairs Inbo Han (CHA university, KR), Han Su Kim (Ewha Womans University, KR)
Sung-Chul Jung (Ewha Womans University, KR)
▶ Clinical application of differentiated tonsil-derived mesenchymal stem cells for peripheral neuropathy.
Hyungmin Chung (Miraecellbio Co. Ltd., KR)
▶ Clinical trials of hES derived multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MR-MC-01) for treating interstitial cystitis
▶ Lenzumestrocel Development Process and Latest Updates
Young-Il Yang (InnostemBio Inc., KR)
▶ Potential Role of Adult Peripheral Nerve-Derived Stem Cells in Regeneration of the Central Nervous System

Session VI

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 09:00-10:20
Biomaterials for stem cell therapy
Co-Chairs Dong-Myung Shin (Asan Medical Center, Univ. of Ulsan College of Medicine, KR),
Yoonhee Jin (Yonsei University Medical College, KR)
Heungsoo Shin (Hanyang University, KR)
▶ Biomaterials-inspired spheroid engineering for 3D bio-fabrication and tissue regeneration
Nathaniel S. Hwang (Seoul National University, KR)
▶ Biomaterials for immunoisolation
Heebeom Koo (The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, KR)
▶ Nanoparticle and hydrogel for stem cell therapy
Hong Nam Kim (KIST, KR)
▶ Hydrogel-based 3D Brain Models for Modeling Human Brain Diseases

Session VII

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 15:30-16:50
Nanotechnology for stem cell engineering
Co-Chairs Taehyung Kim (Chung-Ang University, KR), Hong Nam Kim (KIST, KR)
Hee Seok Yang (Dankook University, KR)
▶ Application of 3D cell sheets and spheroids patches for tissue engineering
Jangho Kim (Chonnam National University, KR)
▶ Nano-Stem Cells Therapeutics for High Quality Tissue Regeneration
Jinmyoung Joo (UNIST, KR)
▶ ▶ Enhanced functional maturation of iPSCs-derived motor neurons differentiated from iPSCs via preserved retinoic acid supplement using biodegradable matrix
Jin-Ha Choi (Jeonbuk National University, KR)
▶ Advancements in Stem Cell Research: Utilizing Plasmonic Nanoplatforms for In Situ Signaling Monitoring

Session VIII

Date & Time August 30, 2024 (Fri) 15:30-16:50
Gene editing technology in stem cell research
Chair Sangsu Bae (Seoul National University College of Medicine, KR)
Yongsub Kim (University of Ulsan College of Medicine, KR)
▶ Precision genome engineering using CRISPR-mediated base and prime editing for human diseases
Dong Hyun Jo (Seoul National University College of Medicine, KR)
▶ Application of genome editing technology in inherited retinal diseases
Donghyun Lim ( Sungshin Women's University, KR)
▶ Engineering stem cell-derived pancreatic β cells with gene editing
Yohan Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, KR)
▶ Ex vivo cellular gene therapy for genetic liver disease

Session IX

Date & Time August 17, 2023 (Thu) 17:00-18:20
Cellular reprogramming in regenerative medicine and aging
Co-Chairs Hyung-Sik Kim (Pusan National University, KR), Kihyun Lee (Ewha Womans University, KR)
Sekyu Choi (POSTECH, KR)
▶ Aging of Skin Stem Cells and Their Niches
Jong Kyoung Kim (POSTECH, KR)
▶ Dissecting cellular heterogeneity and plasticity during partial reprogramming
Kyungtae Lim (Korea University, KR)
▶ Modelling Human Lung Development and Diseases in Organoids
Ji Won Oh (Yonsei University College of Medicine, KR)
▶The Behavior of Human Fibroblast from Birth to Death based on Post-mortem lineage tracing

Session X

Date & Time August 17, 2023 (Thu) 17:00-18:20
Development of stem cell therapy
Co-Chairs YunSil Chang (Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, KR), MinYoung kim (CHA University School of Medicine, KR)
Takanori Takebe (Osaka University, JP)
▶ Organoid Medicine for Hepatology
Keung Nyun Kim (Yonsei University College of Medicine, KR)
▶ Recent advancement of stem cell therapy for clinical trial of spinal cord injury
Hyoung Jin Kang (Seoul National University College of Medicine, KR)
▶ Develpment of CAR-T for acute leukemia
Yeri Alice Rim (The Catholic University of Korea, KR)
▶ The development of a clinical-grade induced pluripotent stem cell-derived minimal injectable unit chondrosphere for osteoarthritis treatment